Lighting Up the Dark

Lighting Up the Dark

When you talk to people about Sweden – and Scandinavia – they often respond with some of the negative ideas that they may have about the area … “Isn’t it really cold”, “Aren’t the winters always dark”, “Is...
A 2020 Vision

A 2020 Vision

  How are you approaching this New Year? This new decade? Is it time for a change … small changes, major overhauls, or just a new approach to the path on which you are already committed? It’s a natural time to reassess, and whilst the days are short, cold and...
Candles, pepparkakor & Christmas in the Österlen

Candles, pepparkakor & Christmas in the Österlen

Christmas in Sweden, and in the region of south east Skåne that is known as the Österlen, is celebrated with a firm grip on traditions, an abundance of light, candles and flame and the heaping up of plates with masses of good Swedish foods. Every house – from...
The Little Things That Matter

The Little Things That Matter

We are an Irish/British family living in Sweden, having moved here in 2013 looking for an adventure, and a complete change of life. We had 2 young boys, equally happy for that adventure, and who began at the local school just weeks after our arrival and are so settled...